Child visitation, custody and child support can only be ordered by the court after paternity is established. This can be accomplished when the alleged father voluntarily admits to be the father or is ordered by the court to provide saliva sample for the genetic (DNA) testing to be compared to the mother and child.
In order to establish paternity right after the birth of a child, a declaration of paternity can be provided at the hospital and after completed and signed by both parents without having to go to court.
Also, the Department of Child Support Services can provide a Declaration of Paternity to be completed if it was not done at the hospital right after the birth.
Reasons for writing an Acknowledgment of Paternity letter:
The Declaration of Paternity form can be obtained at the following:
Here's an example of voluntary paternity acknowledgment letter for personal use ONLY. Consult a licensed attorney in your state of residence before signing any legal document.
I, _________________________________ (Name of the Father), of sound state of mind, legal age, ____________ (Married/Single) and a resident of ________________________________ (Father’s address), having been duly sworn to in accordance by law of the State of ________________ do hereby declare that:
I am the biological father of the child named _________________________________, a ___________ (male/female) infant born on ___/___/_______ in _______________________________(City, State) at ___________________________________ (Hospital’s name and address);
That the child’s mother ___________________________________(Name of the Mother) and I were ______________ (Married/Not Married) to each other at the time of the birth;
Genetic DNA testing ___________(Has/Has Not) been conducted to prove this child's paternity;
I hereby agree to a custody agreement, to be determined __________________ (by the courts/by mediation/by private arrangement between both parents);
I further declare that I agree to support my ___________ (Son/Daughter) and allow _____ (Him/Her) to use my surname.
Dated this___________________ day of _________________________,20_____.
Signature of the Father
Name of the Father
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____ day of ____________ of 20____.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Signature __________________________ My Commission Expires ___/___/______
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